Feb 14, 2011

365 days of Creative Expression!

so, i really need to work on this blog and figure out just what i am doing wrong in uploading the photos of cards.  You can visit my facebook page "365 Days of Creative Expression" by following the link to the left!  i am actually better at posting to that page then the blog, plus, i have to admit, the frustrations of uploading here is driving me nuts!!. . .so thanks for the support!

Cards Number 10, 11, 12 and 13

 i am having some issues uploading these cards in the correct direction!! - i am going to have to work on this! - so for now . . .please forgive me. . .but you can visit me on facebook also!
This is card Number 10
Two shots - the little envelope will hold the setiments of the sender!

 This is card number 11!

This is card Number 12 and;
. . .this is card Number 13!!

Feb 4, 2011

Card Number 9

 Card Number 9!

i took two photos of this one to really show what i had used.  i found these cute little squares in a craft store and saw some of the cute things they did with them. . .then i spotted the stamp of this little guy on skis and had to put the two together! (any excuse to buy stamps!)

This is a really simple but CUTE card!! - Enjoy

Feb 3, 2011

365 days of Creative Expressions - Week One

Well. . .i must say that i am proud to have the first week down.  Don't get me wrong, i enjoy the creative process.  i have been making cards for a few years now and it is a challenge to come up with all NEW ones.  If you were to see my space, you would see the many cards that i have already made up all over the place to serve me with ongoing inspiration.  My friends also provide plenty of inspiration with what they create and of course what we create together!  Doing a "card a day" i believe, will start to push me in my creativity and make me think outside of my "comfortable" box.  It is also forcing me to use some of the stamps that are not really my "style" that are in my collection.  I hope you have enjoyed my cards thus far and thank you for sharing in my journey!

. . .a few more cards! - 4, 5 6 7 and 8 in order!

(this won't load right side up)

Jan 29, 2011

Card Number 2 and 3

Card Number 2
This is a photo that i took and then switched to black and white.  I then took the photo and colored just the inside of the petals of the flower.  I DID use a stamp for this card so that is in keeping with using ALL my stamps!
 This is Card Number 3
i have no idea why i have not used this stamp. . .it is so cool!.  i love the saying also: "Where words fail, music speaks." ~Hans Christian Anderson.
Truer words! - i myself can get lost within my music because the music often expresses what i can not!


Jan 27, 2011

Snow and Ice

Living in New England we are blessed with the uncertain weather all the time. . .which means that there are winters when we don't see any snow or there are winters, like this one, where all we have seen is snow and more snow and more snow and ice!  Choosing to live in New England means you have to be able to go with the flow of the weather and also have the ability to enjoy the many different things we are lucky to see.  i love the look of the snow in the trees - especially when the sun comes through and hits it in just the right way. . .beautiful! (i actually need to get out and capture that on film!)  Right now i have these enormous icicles forming all around my house and i think the formations are great. . .no two are the same.  Each have it's own beauty, not to be taken from the next. . .makes you think. . .  aren't we all different creations?. . .each of us having our own beauty?

That being said. . .i sure am done with the shoveling part of this winter, but i am enjoying the show that mother nature has graced us with!
Peace and Enjoy!
(p.s. i am working on Card number 2 to be uploaded later)

Jan 26, 2011

Card Number 1

Well - here it is - Card Number 1 - (of 365 days of Creativity!)  I actually got the idea from a magazine that i have had for a long time now and then went through my stamps to find some cute small ones to use.  So - for this card i used three stamps (two i have not used before!) - Enjoy!

Jan 21, 2011

365 days of Creativity

Here it is. . .my inspiration for the upcoming year! - 365 - A Daily Creativity Journal - Make something every day and change your life!!  Kind of exciting isn't it!? - and you have to love the only rule that the author gives as a guide. . ."THERE ARE NO RULES"  - one does not have to read this book from cover to cover or in order as the pages are placed. . .that in and of itself is very freeing.  Of course comes the task of coming up with a "project" - something that can be created everyday for a year.  The author's project was a skull a day. . .(for which he has become famous for!) where he created a skull out of different mediums. . .and he came up with some really neat creations!!  One suggestion that he has is to journal or "blog" each daily creation to share with others - allowing for encouragement, inspiration and accountability.  How excited was i when i read that - "i already have a blog - and it is named 'Expressions of Creativity'"  So now comes the task of choosing a project and although the author has informed me to take it easy and not stress. . . i am somehow finding that hard.  I have a couple of ideas that i am tossing around. . .since i already love to make cards. . .maybe a card a day - but utilizing all the stamps that i currently own as a starting off point.  Another idea, following my love photography is to take a photo a day - making me keep my camera on me at all times (which i have always said i SHOULD do!).  It could be at a certain time of day or at intervals (i.e. 8am one day, 9am the next and so on).  i can use this blog as my documentation of my progress and this could be the start. . .looking for thoughts and ideas of anyone who reads this.  i am hoping to gain some insight into myself doing this project as part of my journey towards inward love and peace. . .so look for the next installment of WENDY's 365 Days of Creativity!
Much Peace!

(by the way. . .you can follow the author on Facebook. . .and on his blog at: http://www.makesomething365.com/)

Jan 17, 2011

Sand and Stone

Two friends were walking through the desert.
During some point of the journey, they had an
argument; and one friend slapped the other one
in the face.

The one who got slapped was hurt, but without
saying anything, wrote in the sand,

“Today My Best Friend
Slapped Me In The Face”

They kept on walking, until they found an oasis,
where they decided to take a bath. The one who had been
slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning,
but the friend saved him.

After he recovered from the near drowning,
he wrote on a stone:

“Today My Best Friend
Saved My Life”

The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend
asked him, 'After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now,
you write on a stone, Why?'

The friend replied
'When someone hurts us we should write it down
in sand, where winds of forgiveness can erase it away.

But, when someone does something good for us,
we must engrave it in stone where no wind
can ever erase it'

Learn to write your hurts in
the sand and to carve your benefits in stone.

~ unknown

This was sent to me via an email from a friend and i right a way connected to the idea of it. I thought that it was worth sharing with everyone while having a reminder to myself to be forgiving and to carve all the joys in my life in stone
