Jan 21, 2011

365 days of Creativity

Here it is. . .my inspiration for the upcoming year! - 365 - A Daily Creativity Journal - Make something every day and change your life!!  Kind of exciting isn't it!? - and you have to love the only rule that the author gives as a guide. . ."THERE ARE NO RULES"  - one does not have to read this book from cover to cover or in order as the pages are placed. . .that in and of itself is very freeing.  Of course comes the task of coming up with a "project" - something that can be created everyday for a year.  The author's project was a skull a day. . .(for which he has become famous for!) where he created a skull out of different mediums. . .and he came up with some really neat creations!!  One suggestion that he has is to journal or "blog" each daily creation to share with others - allowing for encouragement, inspiration and accountability.  How excited was i when i read that - "i already have a blog - and it is named 'Expressions of Creativity'"  So now comes the task of choosing a project and although the author has informed me to take it easy and not stress. . . i am somehow finding that hard.  I have a couple of ideas that i am tossing around. . .since i already love to make cards. . .maybe a card a day - but utilizing all the stamps that i currently own as a starting off point.  Another idea, following my love photography is to take a photo a day - making me keep my camera on me at all times (which i have always said i SHOULD do!).  It could be at a certain time of day or at intervals (i.e. 8am one day, 9am the next and so on).  i can use this blog as my documentation of my progress and this could be the start. . .looking for thoughts and ideas of anyone who reads this.  i am hoping to gain some insight into myself doing this project as part of my journey towards inward love and peace. . .so look for the next installment of WENDY's 365 Days of Creativity!
Much Peace!

(by the way. . .you can follow the author on Facebook. . .and on his blog at: http://www.makesomething365.com/)


  1. I really love this idea. Ever since the movie, Julie and Juliet, I was thinking of doing this kind of activity. I think I am going to try it, so to be continued....

  2. Go for it! - it will really prove to be an adventure!!
