Jul 19, 2010

Beach Time

Getting back to my photography. . .we went to the beach one afternoon to have dinner on the beach.  Of course, i jumped at the chance to pull out my camera and take some photos!  i love being able to take many many pictures even if it only produces one or two that i like.  There are so many angles to look at something and many different lighting situations.   i also just enjoy being at the beach and listening to the sounds of the ocean as each wave crashes on to the shore - only to be followed by another one. . .the sound of the seagulls as they fly overhead and even the many smells of being at the beach.  It is the one of the most relaxing places to be.  Being from Colorado originally, i do miss the sight of the majestic mountains but there is something to be said for the sounds of the ocean!

I saw this piece of wood that had washed ashore and i was caught by the tiny shells that attached themselves to it.  It just struck me as interesting - so - of course - i needed to capture that on film!  (how funny that i say "film" when in reality, there really isn't much film anymore.  It is the world of digital images!  it makes me miss the days of the dark room and spending hours perfecting a picture. . .that to me was really being creative. . .taking a picture and changing it through light filters and shading and developing.

of course what photo shoot would be compete without a couple of shots of my beautiful daughter!  One of my favorite subjects!